Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter at the Freed House

With every year Easter has been getting more and more fun with the kids. Our dyed eggs are getting brighter and more colorful, trying on Easter dresses turns into dressing room dance performance, early morning Easter baskets are just a little more magical and listening to them talk freely to each other about Jesus' love for them is moments in parenting at its best!

We go pretty low key for the baskets.....chocolate bunny, a couple plastic eggs with 4 jelly beans or m&ms, nail polish, chap stick, bouncy ball and a little purse to match their dresses.

Easter Morning
Warning: Photo's of extreme bed head posted

The Easter Attire

This is the last year the girls will be in the same clothing department, so it was a big deal for me to match them and find the perfect dress to end this season in our life. I LOVE the dresses that we got. I had an image in my mind of something puffy and extravagant when I started my hunt.. but when I set eyes on little white eyelet dresses at Gap Kids I knew my search was over! Josh insisted on the hats as well and I am so glad he did. Adorable!! (I'll save the how to on the little lined purses for another post)

We went to early morning service and stayed for the church egg hunt.

Hannah waits so patiently for the doors to open and the hunt to start.

Hannah was just a tad greedy out on the egg hunting field.

After church we went up to my parents house for Easter dinner. We forgot the camera in the car, so I will paint you a picture of or night..... Fabulous family, fabulous food, fabulous wine..... got the picture?? We also did another egg hunt for the kids, but I was about done with giving them candy so they hunted for puzzle pieces to complete a spring time puzzle.

Happy Easter!!


  1. Oh Chris....the girls are just precious! What beautiful dresses for such beautiful girls!

  2. What a neat idea to have puzzle pieces in the eggshells!! Good idean for next year. :)
    The photos of your girls by the blossoming tree and white fence are picture perfect!!
