Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Cheese Stands Alone

I think for most people, when you have your second child you think how far apart your children will be the day you come home from the hospital. Hannah was 20 months old when we brought home our 6 lb 10 oz little Madalyn. We focused so much on how far apart they were that day, never did I think about the fact they they are 20 months apart and that means I am going to have one child leaving for Kindergarten the same year I have the second going into preschool. Tuesday, August 30th was the first time in the last 5 1/2 years that my children went off to do their own things and I was left standing alone.

We are so pleased with the preschool we chose for our girls. Madalyn had no problem sitting right down in class and starting her pudding painting. It almost felt like she has being preparing herself for her first day of preschool ever since the first day we dropped Hannah off, 2 years ago. Her classroom felt so warm and welcoming and chatting with her teacher was like talking to a friend I haven't seen for a couple months.

Madalyn's class is a total of 4 girls, and from the moment class started all four of them joined together as if they had always been friends. I think it is going to a fantastic year with these girls, I just need to keep reminding Madalyn they she is not going to an all girls school, it just happen that there are no boys in her class.

Off she goes. I officially have both my children in school.

I wasn't left standing alone right away, Josh did exactly what every husband should do when the the youngest goes off to school, he took me out to breakfast. Just to two of us in the middle of the week out to breakfast <3. He knew just what to do to take the sting out of the day and I am so grateful that he works in an office that is understanding and values family so much that Josh was able to come with me to both of the girls first days and we faced these new milestones as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I don't know how you made it through the day... I couldn't even make it through your post without getting teary-eyed.
